Archer’s team of locally, fully trained & certified stairlift engineers are available to assist you with regular servicing, general maintenance, or any repairs or breakdowns.
Most modern-day Stairlifts have a built-in fault diagnosis system. Combined with the digital display, this indicates the most likely cause for any fault.
Our technical team’s vast experience with a wide variety of models from numerous manufacturers, means a phone call is all we need to get your stairlift working again.
If our staff be required to arrange a home visit, they will always use full PPE (Personal Protective Equipment). Additionally, observing appropriate COVID safety measures. A simple, no-obligation assessment is made of your stairlift prior to providing recommendations and estimated cost for its restoration to “full health”.
Archer Stairlifts holds a large selection of spare parts for stairlifts. Following a telephone assessment, our engineer may well be able to fix your stairlift whilst on site. In the case a more specialist component is required, we are well positioned to secure this from our panel of Suppliers within a very short time.
So, emergency stairlift breakdown or regular service, we’ll keep your stairlift running smoothly for years to come. the Archer Stairlifts team will be “Always on Target” to meet your needs.