With cases of Covid-19 back on the rise, we need to give serious thought and concern for those who subsequently develop Long-Covid and are left with its debilitating symptoms…
Extreme Fatigue, Chest Pain & Tightness, Joint Pain, Shortness of Breath, Dizziness and Heart Palpitations are all physical symptoms commonly found in patients (among others).
Experts are now recommending “Pacing” as a practice to conserve energy, set realistic goals for daily activities and assist in recovery.
OTs have reported that patients struggling with the physical exertion of climbing the stairs, could benefit from the use of Assisted Living devices (even leased on a temporary basis) to alleviate symptoms.
This is where a Stairlift from Archer Stairlifts could help!
We offer Rentals, as well as Sales of new & re-conditioned appliances.
Contact us for further information.